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The Sober Curator


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Alysse Bryson is a strong woman in recovery, an innovative media maven, marketing guru, and gal about town. This sober gal has a humorous outlook on life and a fierce determination to succeed. Since a young age, Alysse has been obsessed with snapping photos, creating scrapbooks, and creating content. When she’s not stuck behind a computer screen, Alysse enjoys traveling and spending time with her friends and family. Alysse loves hunting for street art and usually has a camera in her hand. Consuming content is what she does best! She loves books, podcasts, art projects, and a good Netflix binge. Alysse is a gal on the go. You can find her frequenting art museums, theatre, concerts, thrift shopping, planning her next trip, and checking out new restaurants. With her excellent taste and sense of style, you know you can trust her when Alysse gives you a recommendation. She may be a retired black-out artist, but she’s also been known to throw some of the best parties in Seattle over the last decade.
