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Stephen Taylor Photography


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A student of light and and an explorer of place and time. Expect to see an eclectic range of images as I work across genres from still life to street photography via landscape and portraiture. Many of the photographs here were taken on deep explorations of my own neighbourhood and further afield. I try to tread lightly so my journeys tend to be by foot, bicycle or train. I have held a couple of solo exhibitions: "fading Away", a series of photographs exploring what remains of the old railway that used to run through the seaside of resort of Weymouth; and "Riding to the end of the road", an exploration of a cycle ride from my front door in London to where the road ran out on the Essex coast. Some of the photographs from both exhibitions are displayed here. I hope that you find my work fascinating and maybe even thought provoking. The photographs are all copyright Stephen Taylor. Please do not use without permission.
