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I'm on a long, constantly evolving, journey in photography which is what makes it so addictive and so much fun as there's always something new to try whether in taking the image or in post-production. Saying that my preference is for landscapes and wildlife. I particularly enjoy creating large panoramas from multiple image stitches and struggling to get decent images of birds. To limit the amount of scrolling needed to view images all photographs are in Albums. I do not add any information other than the photo name at the time of posting because I hate having to go through the whole process again when an image fails to upload. Instead I edit the image as soon as it has uploaded successfully. Lastly, I'd like to thank you for engaging with my page and in common with all involved here would be delighted, if you encounter anything of interest in one of my images, you would spend a moment to post a comment to which I promise to make every effort to respond. This is definitely a large part of what makes CaS such an engaging community. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Thanks for reading.
