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Luran Osmani


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uran Osmani was born in Tetovo, Macedonia (FYROM) in 1980. After graduating fromTetovo High School, he pursued higher education and in 2011 received his undergraduate diploma from the Faculty of Art, Printmaking Department in Tetovo University. He predominantly works in several techniques in the field of printmaking (woodcut, linocut,etching and monotype etc.). He works painting and sculpture at the same time.LuranOsmanicreated more than 150 prints and 300 small prints by using several techniques. Thirty of his print works were produced by the etching method. Many drawings created by chalk must also be mentioned. Besides these, he has designed many posters, flyers and catalogues. In his first solo exhibition, 50 prints and 50 paintings were put on display. His first collective exhibition titled “Ura Me Tri harqe In Tirana ” (Bridge with three arches in Tirana) took place at Tirana / Albania in 2010. This was followed by a successful career. His art has been on display at several national exhibitions up to this day. Briefly LuranOsmani’s workshave been exhibited at the following events: KIC KIC-2012-personal exhibition (paintings and graphics) 2012 CC Tetovo collective exhibition 2010 – “Ura me tri harqe / Bridge with three arches ” collective exhibition- Tirane