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Watching the world go by, taking time to appreciate it and capture the special moments. By day, an educator who takes care of little people, by night a human of four and two dogs whilst trying to be a domestic goddess for him indoors...or outdoors as he prefers to be. Possible expat for life, living under the African sun. Old school enough to not admire trying to work out if some photos are 'for real' or simply the trick of a few computer digits! Working on the 5 second rule :-) and learning so much more about a hobby that I left him outdoors to value like a passion, because he is amazing at it...but I am trying now too! Love my dogs and horses and all things wild. Grateful to be here! Am loving the International inclusion of the site and am conscious of trying to respond (with a lot of help from google) in your language... I wish I had learnt more languages, so beautiful.