A historic mill complex sits on a hillside, surrounded by rolling green fields and trees. The mill buildings are made of stone and have tall chimneys. The sky is blue with white clouds.

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Oats Royd Mill, Booth

15th September 2024
The image showcases Oats Road Mill, Booth a former textile mill, surrounded by rolling green hills and a patchwork of fields. The mill buildings, constructed of stone, feature multiple chimneys. In the foreground, a quaint village with terraced houses adds a touch of domesticity to the landscape. The mill now housing a number of apartments.

I took this picture with a Nikon d3300 in July 2024, you can see more of my pictures and get more information on my blog at, www.colingreenphotography.co.uk
Category: Landscape


Model: NIKON D3300

Exposure Time: 1/160

Size: 1.52 MB

Filetype: image/jpeg