A stone bridge arches over a canal, with lush greenery on either side. A quaint building with a slate roof stands behind the bridge. The water reflects the blue sky and the surrounding buildings.

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Station Road Bridge and the Rochdale Canal

15th September 2024
A picturesque scene of a stone bridge arching over a canal in a quaint English town. Lush greenery frames the bridge, with climbing vines adorning the walls and colorful flowers adding a touch of vibrancy. The canal's still waters reflect the surrounding buildings, creating a serene atmosphere. The bridge leads to a paved pathway lined with trees, inviting visitors to explore the charming area.

The picture was taken on the Rochdale Canal at Station Road, Luddenden Foot in July 2024 with a Nikon d3300. More pictures and information can be found on my blog at www.colingreenphotography.co.uk


Model: NIKON D3300

Exposure Time: 1/125

Size: 2.02 MB

Filetype: image/jpeg