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Cobbles at Hebden Old Bridge
1st October 2023
I took this less than a week after the town of Hebden Bridge had been devastated by the 2015 Boxing Day Floods, I had decided to visit to see how the town was recovering but it seemed at the time it had barely began to get over the flooding so I left pretty quickly as it just didn't seem right to hover around whilst people were suffering. The Old Packhorse Bridge has crossed Hebden Water here since 1510 and was once the towns main crossing point, as you can see not practical for modern traffic, the bridge being replaced in 1772 by a crossing further south. I took this picture in December 2015 with a Polaroid is2132. www.colingreenphotography.co.uk
Category: Buildings/Architecture
Make: Polaroid
Model: iS2132
ISO: 400
Exposure Time: 1/22
Aperture: 31/10
Aperture: 31/10
Size: 3.44 MB
Filetype: image/jpeg