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I live in West Cumbria, tucked away in the far North of England. Talk about 'off the beaten track' it's one of the places in England that few people come to. Having said that, there are many advantages as a photographer living in this sparsely populated region. I can see the hills of Scotland across the Solway Firth and on a nice day, often catch a glimpse of the Isle of Man, weather permitting ! The majestic Lake District is on my doorstep, which feeds the hunger of many an avid photographer. I have a great interest in the sea and all it has to offer. Many hours have been spent, wandering up coastlines with my camera. Having said that, it isn't where my interests stop. I love 'patterns' in nature, be it striations in sand or the bark of a tree. The Lake District offers a plethora of opportunity for photographers and nature lovers alike. The equipment I use produces high resolution photographs which may result in a wait while pictures 'load up' ... I'm hoping you find it worth the wait. If you've took the time (thank you if you have) to browse through my images, you'll have noticed that many are in Black & White. This medium is often regarded as 'old school' by many, though I think it still has a lot to offer in this world of imagery. further to this I often use a camera converted to capture infrared images. All photographs I have here were taken by myself. I hope you find them interesting.
