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LocaladSnaps is a subsidiary of Localad Services. A company set up by it's reluctantly ageing owner Andy Robinson. The Logan based company comprises three parts which are: Localad Services Handyman Assist - A handyman service Localad Re-screens - For all kinds of window and door screening and LocaladSnaps - Andy Robinson's own take on photography LocaladSnaps is based in Logan Central, near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. And Andy calls himself a keen amateur who loves to take photos without getting hung up on what extreme bits of kit the 'experts' tell him he should be using. But he looks forward to the day when his images can successfully fund what is commonly assumed to be one of the dearest hobbies known to man and he can finally afford to play with the big boy's toys. In the meantime however, Andy invites you all to fully explore his images (only his best will be posted), and leave any constructive comments on how best he can further develop his craft. And he now personally welcomes you to follow him on his photographic journey posted through this site. "There's nothing to beat that feeling when you just know that your image is 'right', If only I'd found that shutter button sooner". ~ Andy Robinson :) And finally, don't just pass through liking my images, what's the point? Spend a little time with me and discuss them. I promise, I won't bite :)
