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Callum James


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Writer | Photographer l Human based on the Dorset Coast on the South coast of England. I am a published novelist and photographer. My photography is purely self taught, and I can remember being instantly in love with a camera from a very early age. I try not to define the genres of photography I am into, as I feel it is important for my imagination to wonder where there is beauty and a story. However saying that, in recent years I have been drawn to the art of long exposure and street photography. I have a great love for black and white photography as you will see although I do also present colour work here, and I am heavily orientating myself back towards film, partially as an experiment, but also as a counter action to the AI takeover that is unfortunately killing our art. In years to come, I’d love to move into portrait work, as the face and human form allows so much creativity which I’d love to explore, but who knows where things will head. ClickASnap allows me to present often variations on the same piece, which I love as it will give you an idea of my working process. I’ve tried to show a snapshot of my work here and I’d love to chat with anyone who is interested to know more. Just DM me though my Etsy shop, or obviously leave a comment. If you like my work and would like to purchase anything, please let me know. The link to my Etsy shop is below, or on Etsy search for callumjamesstudio. I’ve arranged my work here into albums to help you navigate. I’d love to hear what you think, so comments are welcome. Please check out my Etsy shop too: I do hope you enjoy my images, as I will certainly enjoy yours. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all.
