It’s easy - earn money when
someone views your photos

Upload Your Photos

Upload Your Photos

Using our easy to use upload system, you can add your images to our platform and start earning money today.

Users View Your Photos

Users View Your Photos

Your photos are then displayed to users that visit ClickASnap. When someone views your photo, you make money.

You Get Paid

You Get Paid

Once your payment reaches $15, you can request to get paid. Payments are made through Paypal for your safety and security.

A Unique Way To Make Money From Your Photos

ClickASnap is a unique way for photographers to do what they love and make money at the same time. Used by over 6,500,000 photographers, collectively bringing in over 44 million viewers to the platform in our 4th year. You no longer have to rely solely on sales alone, you can now have a passive revenue source from people viewing your photos.

Image Protection Technology

Image Protection Technology

Image protection technology against ‘print screen’ theft (WIPT Watermarkless Image Protection Technology)

Automated Marketing System

Automated Marketing System

Integrate your social media and pick a time interval and your photos will be promoted automatically 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Which site would you use? ClickASnap?
Flickr? Viewbug? Or 500px?


Get paid when your
photos are viewed

Unlimited Storage











Why you should choose ClickASnap

Trusted By Thousands

Trusted By Thousands

Our loyal user base know how well the platform works to assist their careers as a photographers.

Get Paid Quickly

Get Paid Quickly

Minimum payout is $15, once you request payment, it is guaranteed to be made within 24 hours.

Free To Use

Free To Use

Our free accounts offer unlimited uploads.

High Payouts

High Payouts

We payout 0.9¢ when your photos are viewed on ClickASnap.

Dedicated Support

Dedicated Support

Our friendly customer support team is here to answer any questions that you may have when using ClickASnap.

Pro Accounts Available

Pro Accounts Available

We also offer Pro accounts with a wide range of exclusive features not found anywhere else online, all for just £7 a month.

Meet some of our top contributors



  • Seller
  • 406
  • 1.4K
  • 49.4K
  • 7.1K

“I am Marvin "Butch" Reinhart a photographer based in Florida who does nature and urban photography. Late in life I took up photography after seeing how much my wife and son enjoyed it. I found it gave me a true peace of mind to be out finding the beauty in nature.”



  • 406
  • 1.4K
  • 49.4K
  • 7.1K

“Enthusiastic amateur photographer, my preferences go to the landscape photography in panoramic mode,the vibrant sunset in natural HDR,preferred areas are the coasts of the sea, the hills,the countrysides... but I also like the architecture of the cities ... ”



  • Seller
  • 406
  • 1.4K
  • 49.4K
  • 7.1K

“Biography I've been doing photography since the days when there were only film cameras... Now I have a digital camera. But I love 20th century lenses (glass, iron, pattern and price :) ). Welcome to the page of my photos.... Check out the Albums... ”

You may be wondering...

How much do I make?

How much do I make?

Payment rates are currently 0.9 cents per view. We are very proud of our high rates in comparison to other popular websites. As long as your balance is over $15, you can request to be paid.

For instance Youtube is $0.000640 per view (average) and Spotify is $0.0001 per play (average).

What about image rights?

What about image rights?

We claim absolutely no rights to the images that you upload, unlike most other popular websites. Anything that you upload to our website remains completely yours.

We also allow you to upload watermarked photos if you choose.

Sell physical photos

Sell physical photos

We also offer seller accounts that allow you to sell your photos as digital downloads. You can also give downloads away free, as well as sell physically printed products. These can be priced at any price that the uploader wishes to sell at. The printed products are supplied by OVI imaging which is one of the highest quality print laboratories in Europe.

We also offer ad-free browsing for just £2 per month

Start making an income from
your photography today.

It only takes 30 seconds!